Jennifer H. | Machine Setter Automation
Why should more women do your job?
Not only gender-specific aspects but diversity in general have a positive effect on team spirit. In my opinion, diversity in a team always results in added value. A variety of different personalities means different approaches as well as bringing in a lot of experience and strengths. This can create an exciting working atmosphere.
What do you think can be done to counteract gender stereotypes?
Stereotypes, clichés and clearly allocated gender roles still persist. I think we should start raising awareness early in the parental home, continue in schools, peer groups and in career information for young people, and continue with the willingness of companies to fill male-dominated positions with women. In my opinion, there is a lack of role models.
Which female personality inspires you?
Very clearly – my grandmother.
Without a husband by her side, she mastered the challenges of everyday life on her own. She taught me to tackle things, to try things out and, above all, to trust myself. I still have wonderful memories, for example of repairing our bikes together in the yard, equipped with toolboxes. I am very grateful. She was always my role model.

Katarina Samide | Quality Assurance Engineer
Why should more women do your job?
Because all jobs in Quality Management offer a large portfolio of interesting activities and tasks.
How do you succeed in an environment dominated by men?
The key to success is a profound education, in my case a relevant degree, a strong personality coupled with the willingness to perform and an appropriate demeanor.
Which female-related prejudices or myths do you think need to be broken?
That men understand technical contexts more easily and can therefore assert themselves in technical professions rather than women – that is simply wrong.
What do you think can be done to counteract gender stereotypes?
We need to break classic gender roles in our society that have grown over decades and eliminate false prejudices regarding the respective gender.
What has been the most positive development in recent years?
That companies and also schools have recognized that women are needed in technical professions and also in leadership roles and do not represent a contradiction.
Which advice do you give to women who aspire to pursue a technical profession?
Do not be intimidated and do not be afraid to take an interest in technical fields and topics. There are many companies that have recognized and are benefiting from the added value of women in technical careers and leadership roles.