& Packaging

A product is made of several parts. Only if they are put together in a diligent way, the quality of the final product is guaranteed.

Ideal Assembly Solutions for Individual Project Requirements

By constantly striving for more efficiency, the usage of flexible and automated processes is continually increasing and thereby ensuring the highest quality requirements of all products.

Depending on the customer’s market conditions and scale-up requirements of a product, we provide the optimal assembly solution by using in-house manual, semi- as well as fully automated assembly lines. Flexible small-scale series to large-scale series can be realized with varying degrees of automation. In addition, our customers get the opportunity to have their products assembled in clean room facilities.

Within the assembly process, we offer a variety of processes such as soldering and bonding, laser, ultra-sonic, welding, screwing, clipping, gluing, and riveting technologies. Finished assembled products are carefully packaged with highly automated packaging machines or are even manually packaged for small-scale series. In order to meet our customer requirements regarding printed circuit board or electronic device production handling, we offer electrostatic discharge (ESD-) compatible assembly. Due to our global presence, we assemble products in Europe as well as Asia. All facilities work in close cooperation in order to gain an overall understanding of the processes involved and to ideally meet customer needs. At every location sophisticated equipment qualification and process validation ensure reliable production processes and the highest product quality.


Manual, semi- & fully automated assembling
line setup
Clean room
Variety of bonding technologies, like laser- & ultra- sonic-bonding, welding, screwing, clipping, gluing, riveting
ESD assembly
Sophisticated equipment qualification & process validation procedure

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