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PAYER wins prestigious Primus Award

We are incredibly proud and deeply honored to have won the Primus Wirtschaftspreis 2024 in the category “International Performance”!

The Primus Wirtschaftspreis 2024, awarded by the Austrian newspaper Kleine Zeitung, is a prestigious recognition celebrating companies from Styria that demonstrate exceptional achievements and uphold strong values within their industries. This award aims to highlight businesses that excel in various areas, contributing positively to the economy and setting inspiring standards for others.

Out of over 100 applicants, awards were presented across 5 categories this year. The category “International Performance” particularly honors companies that have made an impressive impact on the international market, showcasing Austrian talent and innovation on a global scale. We are thrilled that our dedication has been recognized in this category!

Our biggest thanks go to our entire PAYER team: it’s your dedication, passion, and willingness to go the extra mile every day that make these achievements possible. Without you, this success wouldn’t be possible. Thank you for being an essential part of our success story!

See more impressions from the Primus Gala here: https://www.kleinezeitung.at/wirtschaft/19029285/wirtschaftspreis-primus-grosse-buehne-fuer-steirische-top-betriebe   

© KLZ/Aufreiter Georg

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